A creator God
Poet issues a plea for beauty in the modern city
{mosimage}In recent years, the world has witnessed a remarkable upsurge of popular interest in cities. Architects, planners and myriad ordinary citizens are talking, as never before, about what makes cities work and what can be done to make them work better. The topics of this optimistic discussion are wide-ranging; they include sustainability and transportation, the problems and opportunities of suburban development and the enhancement of the public realm.
We must offer social, spiritual support for the sick
Restoring integrity of RCMP is essential
Find real solutions to fight against crime
Denis Leary provides gritty portrayal of angry Catholic
Seeking mutual understanding
Once more into the breach for Hitchens
Difficult dialogue
The Anglican Church of Canada dodged a bullet last month. By the tiniest of margins, it failed to approve the blessing of same-sex couples. Yet the manner in which it did so suggests that the issue will continue to plague Anglicans worldwide, along with Roman Catholics, who are far from disinterested observers.