Catholic Register Columns Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:20:28 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs en-gb Conform or be cast out confines us to get along /opinion/columnists/item/36165-conform-or-be-cast-out-confines-us-to-get-along /opinion/columnists/item/36165-conform-or-be-cast-out-confines-us-to-get-along

Ironically, to understand why many Canadians stomach a system hostile to right-to-life organizations, anti-abortion legislation proposals and any meaningful discussions about pre-born rights or if life begins at conception, you have to look back to the birth of this nation.

qamundson@catholicregister.private (Quinton Amundson, The Catholic Register) Register Columnists Fri, 24 Nov 2023 13:41:14 -0500
No justice in Israeli or Hamas actions /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36160-no-justice-in-israeli-or-hamas-actions /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36160-no-justice-in-israeli-or-hamas-actions

I love Israel. But I hate what it is doing in Gaza. I yearn for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the Middle East. But Hamas, especially its Oct. 7 raids on Israel, is the greatest obstacle to that state becoming reality.

]]> (Glen Argan) Guest Columns Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:15:21 -0500
Get thee to Confession, Heaven awaits /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36159-get-thee-to-confession-heaven-awaits /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36159-get-thee-to-confession-heaven-awaits

Haven’t been to Confession for a while? One question: How can you stay away?!

All right, I know it can be very difficult to even find Confession offered beyond 30 to 45 minutes right before a Saturday evening Mass, or “by appointment.” But no matter what you must do, what hoops you must jump through, how many kilometres you must drive, Confession is totally worth it. You and I need frequent Confession because we are sinners. I will now try to shoot down some “excuses” for not going to Confession.

]]> (Sr. Helena Burns, FSP) Guest Columns Thu, 23 Nov 2023 11:10:27 -0500
Miracles to be found in specks of dust /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36146-miracles-to-be-found-in-specks-of-dust /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36146-miracles-to-be-found-in-specks-of-dust

In Catholic tradition, November is both the last month of the faith year, and the month where we remember and celebrate all souls. We write in a book of remembrance the names of loved ones lost and light candles for them. We pray for and with those who have gone to eternity before us. The practices remind me of Ash Wednesday: “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

]]> (Leah Perrault) Guest Columns Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:42:35 -0500
The metaphysical comfort of conservative homelife /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36144-the-metaphysical-comfort-of-conservative-homelife /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36144-the-metaphysical-comfort-of-conservative-homelife

Does liberalism get the big questions right? The question was the subject of a Munk Debate on the evening of Nov. 3 in Toronto.

My short answer is yes. Better put, it gets more things right than competing philosophies. Capitalism, it has been said, is the worst economic system except for all the others. Liberalism is a better solution for our common lives than socialism or communism. Yet at the end of the night, the winning side of the debate were those who were opposed. How have we arrived at a point where so many appear to be questioning liberalism?

]]> (Andrea Mrozek) Guest Columns Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:17:57 -0500
Pilgrims seeking peace register their voice /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36143-pilgrims-seeking-peace-register-their-voice /opinion/guest-columnists/item/36143-pilgrims-seeking-peace-register-their-voice

As Catholics, as people of faith, as pilgrims seeking peace, Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land is appalled by the editorial The Catholic Register printed on Oct. 19. 

Guest Columns Thu, 16 Nov 2023 10:12:44 -0500
Left in the lurch /opinion/letters/item/36137-left-in-the-lurch /opinion/letters/item/36137-left-in-the-lurch

The Catholic RegisterƵapp Oct. 29 editorial continues the paperƵapp uncomfortable lurch to the right.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:10:05 -0500
Editorial: ‘We don’t do that here’ /columns/item/36136-editorial-we-don-t-do-that-here /columns/item/36136-editorial-we-don-t-do-that-here

Justin Trudeau spoke with clarity and prime ministerial authority to shocking recent violence in Montreal and to the swelling tide of anti-Semitism across Canada whipped up by the Hamas barbarism of Oct. 7.

]]> (Catholic Register Editorial) Editorial Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:03:32 -0500
Verbatim: Text of the October Declaration published by leading British citizens /opinion/verbatim/item/36138-verbatim-text-of-the-october-declaration-published-by-leading-british-citizens /opinion/verbatim/item/36138-verbatim-text-of-the-october-declaration-published-by-leading-british-citizens

The full text of the October Declaration published by leading British citizens and signed by 76,055 others to date.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Verbatim Wed, 15 Nov 2023 14:13:46 -0500
In praise of altar servers /opinion/letters/item/36099-in-praise-of-altar-servers /opinion/letters/item/36099-in-praise-of-altar-servers

In the Oct. 15 issue, Glen Argan laments the drop in priestly vocations in Canada (“Still waiting for Vatican II to bear fruit”). He believes that if the laity follow their call to be the light of the world, more vocations will be forthcoming. Vocations to the priesthood often began with the experience of altar boys. The tendency to downplay the importance of altar servers discourages vocations.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Thu, 09 Nov 2023 12:17:56 -0500