Only Jesus can deliver humanity from hatred and violence, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday."Jesus entered Jerusalem as a humble and peaceful king," he said in brief remarks after celebrating Palm Sunday Mass in St. Peter's Square. He prayed that the faithful would open their hearts to the Lord because he alone "can deliver us from animosity, hatred, violence, because he is mercy and the forgiveness of sins."
The unborn, migrants, the elderly and the disabled are "living icons" of Jesus that call Christians to draw close to those who feel abandoned just as Christ did on the cross, Pope Francis said.
Jesus obeyed the most challenging of commandments: to love one's enemies; and he invites humanity to do the same by breaking a vicious cycle of evil, sorrow and hatred with love and forgiveness, Pope Francis said on Palm Sunday.
VATICAN CITY -- With a small procession down the vast and empty central nave of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis began the first of a series of Holy Week liturgies celebrated without the presence of the faithful from the general public.
Behind the palms
Palm leaves and fronds decorate churches everywhere Palm Sunday as Christians prepare for the most solemn time of the liturgical year.
Do not keep quiet, Pope says to youth on Palm Sunday
Passion (Palm) Sunday, March 25 (Year B) Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47
Love Jesus in all who suffer, Pope says on Palm Sunday
VATICAN CITY – Jesus does not ask that people only contemplate his image, but that they also recognize and love him concretely in all people who suffer like he did, Pope Francis said.
Pope's homily from Palm Sunday
Pope Francis delivered the homily at Mass on Palm Sunday in St. Peter's Square. Below is the full text of his prepared remarks.
The transcript of our trial
The biblical accounts of Jesus’ passion and death focus very much on His trial, describing it in length and in detail.
VATICAN CITY - The bishop of a southern Italian diocese has issued new directives aimed at keeping the mafia out of this year's Easter processions.
VATICAN CITY - From modern-day martyrs to those who quietly care for the sick or elderly, Pope Francis remembered all those who “sacrifice themselves daily,” following Jesus in serving others and giving witness to the Gospel.
Meet the Muslim actor chosen to play Jesus in upcoming film
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican confirmed Pope Francis will lead a full slate of Holy Week and Easter liturgies in Rome and at the Vatican, keeping pace with a usually busy papal schedule.
Taking Palm Sunday to downtown streets
TORONTO - A spirit of joy always has to be deep in our hearts, Cardinal Thomas Collins said during this yearƵapp World Youth Day Palm Sunday celebration in Toronto on March 31.
Organized by the Office of Catholic Youth, the event drew about 400 youth from across the archdiocese for a night of prayer, reflection and public displays of faith as they carried the World Youth Day cross from St. PaulƵapp Basilica to St. MichaelƵapp Cathedral in downtown Toronto.