Readers Speak Out: August 19-26, 2018
Starlight, star bright
Re: (July 22-29):
Fr. Rolheiser states that “the miracle” of a starlit night sky “goes mostly unnoticed; we watch television instead.”
Deeper reasons for this may be involved. Humans spill so much light into the sky that few of our present generation have ever experienced what the natural night sky looks like. Most of the lighting industry displays a stunning indifference to this issue. And the amount of “light-pollution” continues to increase by about six per cent annually in most places.
Sleeping in insufficient darkness suppresses our immune systems. Artificial light disrupts the life-cycles of insects, birds, amphibians and other animals. Many people think responsibility for our environment is a religious issue and light-pollution is certainly included in this. Does your porchlight shine upward?
James LaFramboise,
Thornhill, Ont.
A preacherƵapp guide to a good homily
VANCOUVER – By the time Fr. Justin Huang stands before St. Anthony of Padua Church on a Sunday morning, he has done 10 hours of preparation and written about seven drafts of what he’ll say.
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 12 (Year B) 1 Kings 19:4-8; Psalm 34; Ephesians 4:30-5:2; John 6:41-51
God's word on Sunday: Adversity is a test of faith
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Aug. 5 (Year B) Exodus 16:2-4, 12-16, 31a; Psalm 78; Ephesians 4:17, 20-24; John 6:24-35
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 29 (Year B) 2 Kings 4:42-44; Psalm 145; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15
God's word on Sunday: We know the better way
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 8 (Year B) Ezekiel 2:3-5; Psalm 123; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10; Mark 6:1-6
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 1 (Year B) Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7, 9, 13-15; Mark 5:21-43
God's word on Sunday: We all have a role in GodƵapp plan
Nativity of John the Baptist (Year B) June 24 (Isaiah 49:1-6; Psalm 139; Acts 13:22-26; Luke 1:57-66, 80)
Body and Blood of Christ, June 3 (Year B) Exodus 24:3-8; Psalm 116; Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, 22-26
Trinity Sunday, May 27 (Year B) Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40; Psalm 33; Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28:16-20