Show us the money
If there is an issue that unites most politicians, health workers, social agencies and religious leaders, it is the urgent need for a bold strategy and major investment in palliative and hospice care.
Long shot worth taking
After years writing about euthanasia as the religion reporter for the National Post, followed by two years of public talks to convince Canadians that government-sanctioned killing would be a disaster, I think I have finally figured out what bothers me the most about what is taking place in our country: the disturbing lack of imagination that has taken over the public psyche about how to deal with people who are suffering.
Federal panel calls for improved palliative care
OTTAWA - Parliament should improve access to palliative care across Canada and ensure proper safeguards are implemented concerning assisted suicide, recommends a government panel in a report issued Jan. 18.
Rights league vows to fight assisted suicide
TORONTO - The fight over assisted suicide isn’t over yet. A day after a government advisory group released 43 recommendations calling for wide access to assisted suicide, the Catholic Civil Rights League (CCRL) held its annual general meeting Dec. 15 to discuss its concerns and plans for the year ahead, a year when it seems likely Canada will legalized assisted suicide.
Appalling silence
Ontario and several other provinces are following the federal governmentƵapp lead in assembling “expert” panels to research and make recommendations during a mad dash to transform Canada into a nation that permits doctors to kill selected patients or help these patients kill themselves.
CWL calls for notwithstanding clause
The Catholic WomenƵapp League of Canada has called on the federal government to invoke the notwithstanding clause to block implementation of physician-assisted suicide.
Politicians trump people
Green Party leader Elizabeth May made the perceptive point recently that democracy is too important to be left only to politicians. A nuance that might be added is that as a keystone of democracy, free, fair and above all vigorous elections should never become the exclusive preserve of the political actors seeking to benefit from them.
SAN FRANCISCO - The primary sponsors of legislation legalizing physician-assisted suicide pulled the bill hours before a state Assembly hearing July 7, with its authors saying the bill was dead for this year.
LOS ANGELES - After the California Senate voted to legalize physician-assisted suicide in the state, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose H. Gomez called it the wrong response to a "public health crisis."
Catholic health cannot support assisted suicide
OTTAWA - For the Catholic Health Alliance of Canada, there is no debate about euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Right-to-die legislation passed a milestone in California Thursday (June 4) when the state Senate approved a bill to legalize physician-assisted dying in a 23-14 vote.
OTTAWA - Archbishop Paul-André Durocher has written the Justice Minister requesting that CanadaƵapp Catholic bishops be included in consultations regarding assisted suicide legislation.
Tory MP seeks free vote on conscience matters
OTTAWA - With legalized euthanasia looming large over the House of Commons, a Tory backbencher has tabled a motion to affirm the right of free votes on matters of conscience.
Picking the wrong battle
A country that deems it progressive to kill your grandmother but conservative for the state to dictate your choice of hat might be going, in a technical sense, nuts.
Conscience rights decision sure to end up in court
TORONTO - Some doctor, somewhere in Ontario, is heading for court. The only question is how and when, according to Catholic Civil Rights League president Phil Horgan.