Why we wait
By John Moore, Catholic Register SpecialRecently, after putting myself through a crash course in selecting ladies' rings and cashing some Canada Savings Bonds, I proposed to my beautiful girlfriend. On bended knee I spoke of love and the future. She tallied up the pros and cons and fortunately the former outnumbered the latter.
The magi and the blessing of Christmas
By Donald Demarco, Catholic Register SpecialMuch of what we read last month about the opposition to public displays of Christmas was largely irksome and petty. In some circles, for example, it is impermissible to bring red or green cookies to a "Holiday" party.
There are no limits to Christian joy
By Lisa Petsche"Joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls."
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
As seasonal celebrations wind down, the decorations are packed away and people get back to their routines, it's not uncommon to feel disappointment — a symptom of what's known as "the post-holiday blues."
True to Nativity
By Michael HigginsJesus revealed through the kindness of strangers
By Fr. Bill Moloney, Catholic Register SpecialIn 1985, Bishop James Doyle sent me to the faculty of education of the University of Toronto where I had a wide range of facilitators and assignments. My psychology professor, Dr. Kong, provided a challenging assignment that proved spiritually fulfilling and blessed my Christmas experience that year.
Jesus revealed through the kindness of strangers
By Fr. Bill Moloney, Catholic Register SpecialIn 1985, Bishop James Doyle sent me to the faculty of education of the University of Toronto where I had a wide range of facilitators and assignments. My psychology professor, Dr. Kong, provided a challenging assignment that proved spiritually fulfilling and blessed my Christmas experience that year.
Grandma's gone, but Christmas memories live on
By Lisa PetscheChristmas at Grandma's — widowed as long as my kids have known her — has always been a special time. Numerous traditions are an integral part of the experience.
Immaculate Conception is still misunderstood
By Fr. Francis X. Johnson, S.J., Catholic Register SpecialOn Dec. 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the dogmatic bull Ineffabilis Deus. In it he stated, "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, saviour of the human race, preserved from all stain of original sin." Since then, Catholics have celebrated the feast of the Immaculate Conception each year on the anniversary.
We are challenged to declare our Catholic education goals
By Peter Lauwers, Catholic Register SpecialWhere does Catholic education in Ontario find itself today? It truly reflects the culture.
In his book, entitled Unknown Gods: The Ongoing Story of Religion in Canada (1993), Canadian sociologist Reginald Bibby pointed out that a decline in attendance at religious services, first observed years earlier, was continuing: "beyond numerical involvement, relatively few Canadians give evidence of being profoundly influenced by any organized faith." He noted: "The Roman Catholic example, however, suggests that when religious groups have to go head-to-head with the myriad socializing influences found in Canadian culture more generally, it is extremely tough to come out the winner."
'Ask the people, Stephen'
By Bishop Fred Henry, Catholic Register SpecialIn late June of last year, without the benefit of social scientific evidence, adequate democratic deliberation and the normal process of judicial appeals, and with inordinate pressure put on members of Parliament by party leaders, the House of Commons passed Bill C-38.