Why the Church won’t change 'Humanae Vitae'
Perhaps you’ve heard some recent rumours and rumblings from Rome about the possibility of the Catholic Church reconsidering, re-looking at, revamping, re-working or redacting Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life), the 1968 encyclical by Pope Paul VI on contraception (synopsis: the document says “no” to contraception).
Is living the teaching of Humanae Vitae regarding the moral means of managing fertility burdensome? Yes, and effective pastoral support for couples who are attempting to do just that — using natural family planning (NFP) rather than contraception — is served by acknowledging that up front. NFP is a burden.
Readers Speak Out: July 22-29, 2018
Prophetic letter
Re: Canada took wrong side in Humane Vitae debate (July 8-15):
Thank you Fr. Raymond de Souza for revisiting Humanae Vitae and the Canadian bishops’ undermining of the wisdom and beauty of Pope Paul VIƵapp encyclical on human life.
It is worth reading afresh this prophetic love letter from Pope Paul VI, readily available on the vatican.va website.
Artificial contraception/birth control has resulted in worldwide misery. Dr. Janet Smith has done exceptional work in recording this.
As artificial birth control grew in use, so did the rate of divorces and the rate of STIs. Fr. Silvestre Birngruber in his 1954 book, Morals for Lay People, wrote: If artificial contraception becomes widely practised, abortion on demand will follow as a natural consequence.
We know the truth of this prediction. Pope Paul VI also foresaw the tragedy if public authorities/governments became involved in artificial birth control.
One doesn’t need advanced degrees in medicine to realize that one cannot keep pumping chemicals into a womanƵapp body and not expect undesirable consequences.
David Hogg,
Toronto, Ont.
Canadian Church coming to terms with Humanae Vitae
Canadian controversy over Humanae Vitae began long before Pope Paul VI issued his controversial encyclical.
The summer of 1968, with France undergoing a social revolution and America burning, was not a congenial time for a reaffirmation of traditional morality in face of the sexual revolution. But the courageous Blessed Paul VI did just that in his encyclical Humanae Vitae, published 50 years ago this month.
Next month will mark the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the 1968 encyclical of Blessed Paul VI which reaffirmed the immorality of contraception at a time when many in the Church and the world expected a change.
OTTAWA – Humanae VitaeƵapp predictions of contraceptionƵapp effects proved far worse than Pope Paul VIƵapp prophetic vision, said speakers at an event marking the documentƵapp 50th anniversary.
Humanae Vitae at 50: Catholic tradition guides teaching on contraception, archbishop says
VATICAN – Speaking at a presentation of a book on Humanae Vitae, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, stressed Wednesday that attempts to change the ChurchƵapp teaching are “a crime against the Church.”
Francis to proclaim Pope Paul VI a saint this year, debate on his worthiness of sainthood continues
VATICAN CITY – Four theologians specializing in marriage and family life are studying Vatican archival material with a view of telling the whole story of how and why Blessed Paul VI wrote his encyclical Humanae Vitae on married love.
Condemned for the holy truth
When Pope Paul VI was beatified last October, his feast day was set for Sept. 26, the date of his birth in 1897, rather than the customary date of death, Aug. 6, 1978. Blessed Paul VI died on the feast of the Transfiguration, so another day for his feast had to be found, otherwise it would never be celebrated.