Charles Lewis: Pope sends discouraging message
Pope Francis has sent a message to those who attend the Latin Mass. In essence he has said: We do not really want you. It is time you went away. It is time to give up your “divisive” ways.
Charles Lewis: Barrett a ray of hope in divided America
The United States is in the midst of political crisis; divisions among Americans are at a fever pitch. I do not think the country has been this polarized since the Vietnam War era.
Charles Lewis: Religious liberty is fading fast
We are witnessing a collapse of religious freedom in Canada. Anyone who doubts it is naïve or completely uniformed. There may be some who simply cannot believe this is happening in a modern democracy. But it is.
Charles Lewis: The miracle of St. Augustine's Seminary
Consider this a non-poetic, nonrhyming ode to St. AugustineƵapp Seminary. I love the Toronto school and I want to explain why. And then I hope you will love it, too.
Charles Lewis: The Catholic writer has a burden of truth
Years ago I lived in Wakefield, Que., a rural area about 40 minutes north of Ottawa in the Gatineau Hills. Many of the people who lived there plied a trade — carpenter, potter, painter and such.
Readers Speak Out: Action on nuclear treaty, Fox facts, rocking the boat (February 10, 2019)
Ban the nukes
Re: Churches want action on nuclear treaty (Jan. 27):
ItƵapp safe to say that nuclear weapons now pose the greatest threat to humanity. Rising tensions between major powers have increased the danger of a nuclear war that could end human civilization. The United States and Russia alone possess 90 per cent of the worldƵapp nuclear arms.
Charles Lewis: Writings connect the dots of creation
One of the great joys of dealing with chronic pain is that I can read books about the faith all the time without feeling guilty.
Charles Lewis: We must open eyes to anti-Christian bigotry
There is something about distance, numbers and repetition that I have always found peculiar in terms of evoking reaction. I find this is especially true when thinking about anti-religious persecution.
I understand those who do not want to dismiss the letter written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò out of hand, given his high regard in the Church. His allegations that Pope Francis did nothing after being made aware five years ago of the sexual misconduct of former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick are serious and should raise concerns.
Charles Lewis: Don’t fear doubts on faith
Comment: There is no excuse for compromising our faith
I just read about a priest in Italy who took down a crèche because he feared it would offend non-Christians. There was no indication he was forced to do it, but it seems he decided to be proactive just in case.
Seeing Christ in the face of all: we are worthy of love
It was a sight of beauty. Perhaps as beautiful a thing as I have ever seen. I saw it during morning rush hour on a freezing cold day in front of a busy Toronto bus stop. I was driving and fortunately the light turned red, allowing me to look more closely at what was taking place.
Long shot worth taking
After years writing about euthanasia as the religion reporter for the National Post, followed by two years of public talks to convince Canadians that government-sanctioned killing would be a disaster, I think I have finally figured out what bothers me the most about what is taking place in our country: the disturbing lack of imagination that has taken over the public psyche about how to deal with people who are suffering.