Michael Swan, The Catholic Register
Michael is Associate Editor of The Catholic Register.
He is an award-winning writer and photographer and holds a Master of Arts degree from New York University.
Follow him on Twitter or click here to email him.
Catholic New Times bows out after 30 years
Catholic New Times bows out after 30 years
Catholic voice must be heard on missile defence
Toronto Interfaith Council poised to launch by year end
TORONTO - Faith may be the next force in municipal politics in Toronto, and Mayor David Miller thinks that's a good thing.
Homeless an election issue
TORONTO - As Toronto's homeless face another winter on the streets and in the shelters, their fate is again an election issue.
Slovak cathedral loses its status
TORONTO - One of Canada's most architecturally impressive and ambitious cathedrals is no longer a cathedral. Eparch John Pazak, spiritual head of Byzantine rite Slovak Catholics in Canada, has removed the blessed sacrament and the antimension, or altar stone, from the Cathedral of the Transfiguration, a giant gold-domed church on the edge of Unionville, north of Toronto.
St. Francis Table offers dignity for 20 years
{mosimage}TORONTO - Parkdale isn’t what it used to be. There are condos going up, gourmet restaurants offering Food Channel cuisine, artists and entrepreneurs sharing the sidewalk with the homeless, ex-psychiatric patients and the chronically unemployed.