Temptations indulged, temptations resisted. On the first Sunday of Lent we heard about the devilƵapp tempting of Adam and Eve in the garden, to catastrophic effect, and the devilƵapp tempting of the Lord Jesus in the desert, to salvific effect.
VATICAN CITY - God never tricks, traps or tempts his children to sin or commit evil, Pope Francis said.
Temptation can help us on path to God
First Sunday of Lent, March 5 (Year A) Genesis 2:7-9, 16-18, 25; 3:1-7; Psalm 51; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11
The story of the Garden of Eden and the Fall is deeply embedded in the consciousness of the West. Even those who are not at all religious are familiar with it and it has found its way into art, literature and music.
Pope's homily: Temptation calls for prayer, not dialogue
In the weakness of temptation, which we all experience, the grace of Jesus helps us to not hide ourselves from the Lord, but to seek forgiveness in order to get up and go forward. That was Pope Francis’ message during the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. The Holy Father was reflecting on the devilƵapp temptation both of Adam and Eve, in the first Reading, and of Jesus in the Gospel. With Satan, the Pope said, there is no dialogue, because dialogue with the devil ends in sin and corruption.
Service, not power, is the true Christian path
Saying Jesus' path is serving others, Pope Francis urged Christians on Tuesday to overcome the lure of worldliness and human ambition and warned against social climbers who are tempted to destroy the other in order to reach the top. His remarks came during his homily at the morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.
Learning from my temptations
During Lent, we are all like Jesus, starving in the desert and being asked to turn stone into bread. But we must choose each and every time to say no. Even in the “Our Father” we ask God to “lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” But why must we face temptations during Lent and how do they shape us?
This Lenten season I decided to give up Facebook and YouTube videos. The reason was simple. I wanted to be more productive. So, I resolved to liberate myself from procrastination and to purposefully get work done.
God is present even amid temptation
Does anyone really look forward to Lent? What is it about Lent that excites us? What aspects of the Lenten journey test us? The scriptural readings for this season are carefully chosen so as to replay salvation history before our very eyes.