Pope Francis presents a special call for young people in his new document, "'Amoris Laetitia' (The Joy of Love), on Love in the Family.”
He calls youth to be the generation that will restore hope to the future of the family. He emphasizes the importance of instilling good values within the family and expanding those values to the larger family of the Catholic Church.
Responding to terror and tragedy
It is often difficult to see Jesus’ light permeate through all human beings. This is especially true when we look at the horrific cruelty and violent terrorism around the world, especially in the Middle East.
Love is shown in humble service
Third Sunday of Easter (Year C) April 10 (Acts 5:28-32, 40b-41; Psalm 30; Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19)
The leaders of the temple had every reason to silence the apostles. Their open and fearless proclamation of the Risen Christ exposed for all the huge mistake that they had made. Jesus had challenged their authority, attitudes and way of life. People in general do not like to be challenged in this way, even less so those in positions of power and prestige.
Pitfalls of looking for the perfect guy
I recently read an article written by a Catholic teen girl and what she believes every Catholic teen guy should be. She listed off things that (I agree) should be the foundation of any relationship, such as being faithful and respecting each others’ values.
Seeing Christ in the face of all: we are worthy of love
It was a sight of beauty. Perhaps as beautiful a thing as I have ever seen. I saw it during morning rush hour on a freezing cold day in front of a busy Toronto bus stop. I was driving and fortunately the light turned red, allowing me to look more closely at what was taking place.
VATICAN CITY - Use the power of communication to build bridges and heal wounds, not generate hatred or misunderstanding, Pope Francis said.
Shrines are welcoming homes of forgiveness, mercy, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - Shrines are homes of forgiveness that allow pilgrims to experience firsthand God's love and mercy, Pope Francis said.
'Soap opera' love isn't true love, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - True love comes from God and is expressed through his mercy and forgiveness, not through sentimental expressions that can easily vanish, Pope Francis said.
The embrace of GodƵapp love silences our sins
Pope Francis said on Friday that the embrace of GodƵapp love has the power to silence all our sins, no matter how many. He stressed that not all love comes from God but He is the true love. The PopeƵapp words came during his homily at the morning Mass celebrated in the Santa Marta residence.
God can only love and not condemn
Pope Francis says God can only love and not condemn and that love is His weakness and our victory. He said we are so closely bound to GodƵapp love that nothing can sever us from it. That was the message at the heart of the PopeƵapp homily delivered on Thursday (29th October) at the Santa Marta residence.
VATICAN CITY — In a world filled with challenges to marriage and family life, the Catholic Church is called “to carry out her mission in fidelity, truth and love,” Pope Francis said at the Mass opening the world Synod of Bishops on the family.
Pope's message on immigrants shows all how to 'love more, love better'
Pope challenges religious to create ministries that inspire young people
PHILADELPHIA - Pope Francis encouraged Pennsylvania's Catholic clergy and women and men religious to challenge young people to develop "high ideals, generosity of spirit and love for Christ and the church."
Pope urges Cuba's youths, consecrated people to love and hope
HAVANA - In a hot and steamy cathedral after listening to a Daughter of Charity talk about her work with people with severe disabilities, Pope Francis set aside his prepared homily and spoke about serving those the world considers "useless."