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The Catholic Register launches archive
One of the most memorable front pages in the history of The Catholic Register was from Sept. 22, 1984.
Catholic Register Digital Archive
Catholic Register Digital Archive
The Catholic Register is the steward of a great treasure comprising 125 years of Canadian Church history.
Now that vast newspaper archive — which dates back to 1893 and totals almost 6,000 issues and more than 120,000 pages — has been transformed into an easily accessible and searchable pages available over the Internet.
This important archive of Canadian Church history is offered exclusively at no additional cost to subscribers of The Catholic Register digital newspaper.
Take a moment to of Archive pages.
Enjoying the Archive is an added bonus for readers of The Catholic Register Digital Edition. No special app or plug-in is required. Access is simple anywhere the Internet is available. Every current issue of The Catholic Register is available in digital format, which means the entire paper and Archive can be read — anywhere, anytime — on your smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer. Simply go to to get started.