The Catholic Register Wed, 22 Jan 2025 23:16:17 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs en-gb Equal platform /columns/item/20108-equal-platform /columns/item/20108-equal-platform

The institutions of society should always show respect and tolerance for people of every faith or no faith. The goal should be inclusiveness and accommodation. ThatƵapp how a genuinely pluralistic, multicultural society works.

]]> (Catholic Register Editorial) Editorial Thu, 23 Apr 2015 08:00:00 -0400
Supreme Court rules against prayer at Saguenay council meetings /item/20055-supreme-court-rules-against-prayer-at-saguenay-council-meetings /item/20055-supreme-court-rules-against-prayer-at-saguenay-council-meetings

OTTAWA - The Supreme Court of Canada ruled April 15 that Saguenay council must stop praying before meetings and pay damages to an atheist who launched a complaint in the matter.

]]> (Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic News) Canada Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:00:00 -0400
Vatican official to U.N. council: No one is exempt from climate change /home/international/item/19839-vatican-official-to-u-n-council-no-one-is-exempt-from-climate-change /home/international/item/19839-vatican-official-to-u-n-council-no-one-is-exempt-from-climate-change

GENEVA - No one is exempt from either the impacts of climate change or the moral responsibility to act to address this global concern, a Vatican official told members of the U.N. Human Rights Council.

]]> (Catholic News Service) International Mon, 09 Mar 2015 09:00:00 -0400
Synod on the family's dynamics recalls the Second Vatican Council /faith/item/19033-synod-on-the-family-s-dynamics-recalls-the-second-vatican-council /faith/item/19033-synod-on-the-family-s-dynamics-recalls-the-second-vatican-council

VATICAN CITY - Even before the start of the Oct. 5-19 Synod of Bishops on the family, observers were likening it to the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65.

Faith Tue, 21 Oct 2014 12:20:00 -0400
Interfaith council hosts mayoral debate /item/18715-interfaith-council-hosts-mayoral-debate /item/18715-interfaith-council-hosts-mayoral-debate

TORONTO - If you’ve been waiting for your chance to hear TorontoƵapp mayoral candidates address poverty, housing, faith and ethics all at the same time — and maybe even use the word “praxis” — the Toronto Area Interfaith Council has the all-candidates event for you.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Canada: Toronto-GTA Fri, 29 Aug 2014 06:59:59 -0400
Get to know your local Catholic school /features/item/18675-get-to-know-your-local-catholic-school /features/item/18675-get-to-know-your-local-catholic-school

The start of the school year is a time of excitement and anticipation for students, and a time of some anxiety for parents as they see their children off to a new school, a new grade or a new program. These feelings apply regardless of whether the students attend elementary or secondary school, or even if they’re off to college or university. 

]]> (John B. Kostoff) Catholic Education Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:00:00 -0400
Changing needs, changing focus: Councils advise, encourage church /faith/item/18573-changing-needs-changing-focus-councils-advise-encourage-church /faith/item/18573-changing-needs-changing-focus-councils-advise-encourage-church

VATICAN CITY - The Roman Curia did not have any "pontifical councils" until 1967, but since then they have become a popular structure for focusing attention on practical areas of life in the church and the world.

Vatican Mon, 04 Aug 2014 12:00:00 -0400
‘Reform’ the unspoken word at Vatican II /features/item/15196-%E2%80%98reform%E2%80%99-the-unspoken-word-at-vatican-ii /features/item/15196-%E2%80%98reform%E2%80%99-the-unspoken-word-at-vatican-ii

WASHINGTON - The Second Vatican Council was “animated by a spirit of reform,” but was afraid to use the word “reform,” Church historian Jesuit Father John O’Malley told a con­ference marking the 50th an­niversary of the opening of the council.

In its 16 documents, Vatican II used the Latin word for reform, “reformatio,” only once — in its Decree on Ecumenism when it said the Church is in need of continual reform, said O’Malley, a professor in the theology de­partment at Georgetown Univer­sity. Other than that, it preferred “softer words,” such as renewal, updating or even modernizing, he said.

O’Malley was a keynote speaker Sept. 27 at the symposium “Reform and Renewal: Vatican II After Fifty Years” held at The Catholic University of America.

The Jesuit noted that Fr. Yves Congar, a French Dominican theologian and expert on ecumenism, wrote his book True and False Reform in the Church in the 1950s that “a veritable curse” seemed to hang over the word “reform.” And when Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII, heard of CongarƵapp book, he said, “Reform of the Church; is such a thing possible?”

The VaticanƵapp Holy Office forbade the reprinting of CongarƵapp book or its transla­tion into other languages from the original French, he said. But during Vatican II, the priest was one of many theologians helping the bishops; Pope John Paul II made him a cardinal in 1994.

O’Malley traced the history of reform in early Church councils up to and including the 16th-century Council of Trent. Trent, however, coming on the heels of the Protestant Reformation, re­peatedly insisted on the ChurchƵapp unbroken continuity with the faith and practice of the apostolic Church.

“In its insistence on con­tinuity, Trent helped develop the tradition and fostered the Catholic mindset reluctant to admit change in the course of the ChurchƵapp history and teaching,” O’Malley told an audience of about 250 people.

“By the early 17th century, Catholic reluctance to see or admit change had become deeply rooted and pervasive.”

As well, Protestants had laid claim to the word “reform” as their own, he said. The word then “suffered banishment as foreign to Catholicism and subversive of it.”

That all changed in 2005 when, shortly after his election, Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech to the Roman Curia describing Vatican II as a council of reform, rather than one of rupture with the Catholic tradition, he said.

“Reform is, according to him, a process that within continu­ity produces something new,” O’Malley said. “The council, while faithful to the tradition, did not receive it as inert but as somehow dynamic.”

The Church, according to Pope Benedict, grows and develops in time, but nonetheless remains always the same, he said.

In another talk, Chad Pecknold, an assistant professor of historical and systematic theology at Catholic University, traced Pope BenedictƵapp aversion to theories of ruptures in Church history to his research into St. BonaventureƵapp theology as the young Joseph Ratzinger.

St. Bonaventure was critical of the theory of the 12th-centu­ry monk Joachim of Fiore, who maintained that there are three eras in salvation history — the Old Testament age of the Father, the clergy-dominated era of the Son and the age of the Spirit in which spiritual men would hold first place and there would no longer be sacraments or a hierarchy.

Joachim predicted the age of the Spirit would begin in 1260, Pecknold said.

For St. Bonaventure and St. Thomas Aquinas, there could only be one rupture, humanityƵapp redemption in Jesus Christ, he said.

Moreover, not only was Joachim wrong about history, he also was wrong about God. His theory implied that the Father, Son and Spirit are three gods acting independently.

Pope Benedict, said Pecknold, sees any interpretation of Vatican II that separates the spirit of the council from its actual teaching is to see it in the same light as JoachimƵapp view of history. To interpret Vatican II as a rupture with the past is, for the Pope, an interpretation which is “bound to be church-dividing and is thus non-Catholic,” he said.

(Western Catholic Reporter)

Vatican II Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:30:01 -0400
What changed at Vatican II /features/item/15194-what-changed-at-vatican-ii /features/item/15194-what-changed-at-vatican-ii

Things changed with the Second Vatican Council. No one disputes that the Catholic faith remained what it has always been. The Church still teaches what the Church always taught. But the Council did not assemble 2,860 bishops to recite the catechism. The fact that the bishops commissioned the first authoritative catechism in 350 years was just one of many changes initiated at the Council.

Among the most important changes:

- Liturgy: Vernacular languages were encouraged, especially for Scripture readings at Mass, which became far more extensive with added Old Testament readings and a cycle of three years which focusses on each of the three synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Luke and Mark). By 1969 the Novus Ordo Mass allowed priests for pastoral reasons to face the assembly, gave the celebrant a variety of eucharistic prayers, restored the sign of peace to the entire congregation, allowed for distribution of both the body and blood of Christ under the forms of bread and wine and moved tabernacles off the altars to a noble and prominent location elsewhere in the church or a separate chapel. By 1973 the International Commission for English in the Liturgy produced the first official translation of the New Mass, though various provisional translations had been circulating since the end of the Council.

- Ecumenism: Unitatis Redintegratio declared the ecumenical movement a good thing, encouraged Catholics to be part of it and referred to Eastern, Oriental and Protestant Christians as "separated brethren." In 1928 Pope Pius XI had condemned the ecumenical movement. From the Council of Trent until the Second Vatican Council Protestants were officially referred to as heretics.

- Democracy and religious liberty: In Dignitatis Humanae the Church for the first time recognized the conscience rights of all people to freedom of religion, and declared it was the responsibility of states to protect religious freedom with stable laws. The idea that the state should be neutral in religion, or that liberal democratic states could be entrusted to protect human dignity or even that there was any such thing as a right to religious freedom, had been condemned by Pope Pius IX.

- Relations with Jews: "The Jews should not be presented as rejected or accursed by God," said Nostra Aetate. The charge of deicide was unfounded. The New Covenant is not possible without Abraham's stock.

- Relations with other religions: "The Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these religions," said Nostra Aetate.

- Religious Life: Sisters, brothers and religious order priests were to do two things — rediscover the original purpose of their religious order and adapt it to the modern world, said Perfectae Caritatis.

- Canon Law: The Council fathers ordered a revised and written code of canon law that was finally delivered under Pope John Paul II in 1983.]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Vatican II Mon, 08 Oct 2012 10:30:53 -0400
The movers and shakers behind the Second Vatican Council /features/item/15193-the-movers-and-shakers-behind-the-second-vatican-council /features/item/15193-the-movers-and-shakers-behind-the-second-vatican-council

The Second Vatican Council was the biggest stage in the history of the Church. There were more bishops present than at any the 20 previous councils stretching from the First Council of Nicaea in 325 to the First Vatican Council of 1870. And the bishops present came from more countries, more cultures, more languages than the Church had ever experienced.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Vatican II Sun, 07 Oct 2012 12:59:21 -0400