The Catholic Register Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:16:00 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs en-gb Readers Speak Out: Action on nuclear treaty, Fox facts, rocking the boat (February 10, 2019) /opinion/letters/item/28964-readers-speak-out-action-on-nuclear-treaty-fox-facts-rocking-the-boat-february-10-2019 /opinion/letters/item/28964-readers-speak-out-action-on-nuclear-treaty-fox-facts-rocking-the-boat-february-10-2019

Ban the nukes

Re: Churches want action on nuclear treaty (Jan. 27):

ItƵapp safe to say that nuclear weapons now pose the greatest threat to humanity. Rising tensions between major powers have increased the danger of a nuclear war that could end human civilization. The United States and Russia alone possess 90 per cent of the worldƵapp nuclear arms. 

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Mon, 11 Feb 2019 13:47:46 -0500
Readers Speak Out: January 13, 2019 /opinion/letters/item/28758-readers-speak-out-january-13-2019 /opinion/letters/item/28758-readers-speak-out-january-13-2019

Lack of respect

Re: Van Hee launches a constitutional challenge of bubble zone law (Dec. 2):

Thank you for the good coverage of pro-life hero Fr. Tony Van Hee.

The undemocratic bubble-zone law, in effect forbidding helpful outreach to pregnant women seeking an abortion, really needs to be challenged. But I have one question about the headline in The Register, in reference to Fr. Tony Van Hee as simply “Van Hee.” This sounds cold and disrespectful.

I am aware it is standard practice in the media to refer to people in headlines by only their surnames, and not their titles. But might not this lack of respect also tie into societyƵapp disrespect of human life, and even God Himself? Just musing.

Yvonne Dienesch,

Eganville, Ont.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Fri, 11 Jan 2019 10:55:07 -0500
Readers Speak Out: December 16, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28642-readers-speak-out-december-16-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28642-readers-speak-out-december-16-2018

Hopes dashed

I was filled with hope when I read that the federal government plans to drop the contentious anti-abortion test for summer job funding. But on further reading, my hopes were dashed. 

In order to receive summer-job funding for students, groups no longer have to attest to supporting reproductive rights, but the new wording is just as restrictive and just as vile. Applicants must declare they won’t work to infringe on any Canadian legal rights. 

Keep in mind that Canada has no laws on abortion. Abortion is not illegal but there are no laws or statutes giving women the legal right to kill their unborn child.

Other changes still deny pro-life groups from accessing summer-job funding. Any project or summer job that tries to “restrict access for a womanƵapp ability to access sexual or reproductive health services” (a euphemism for abortion) will be disqualified.

I see this as a ploy to divide faith-based groups from pro-life groups. Trudeau and the Liberals are concerned about public opinion before the next election. This is just a way to appease faith groups until the election. Then, should the Liberals win, we can expect the full weight of government to come down on faith groups.

Margaret Mountain,

North Gower, Ont.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Mon, 17 Dec 2018 14:44:11 -0500
Readers Speak Out: December 2, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28522-readers-speak-out-december-2-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28522-readers-speak-out-december-2-2018

A peacemaker

Re: Reflections of a nation in a time of grief (Nov. 18):

Fr. J.A. McDonaghƵapp account of the events following John F. KennedyƵapp assassination was remarkable. Reflecting on the tragedy, he wrote: “Nothing will be the same again until merciful time has weighed all the evidence produced.” 

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Thu, 29 Nov 2018 15:38:44 -0500
Readers Speak Out: November 25, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28466-readers-speak-out-november-25-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28466-readers-speak-out-november-25-2018

Measurable standards

Re: Great Expectations (Nov. 11):

Director of education Ab Falconi from York Catholic District School Board is proud that Ontario Catholic schools graduate a higher percentage of students than public schools. On the surface this sounds really good, but what does it actually mean? Do we know that itƵapp not a case of removing the net so that every student can play tennis? 

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Wed, 21 Nov 2018 11:57:22 -0500
Readers Speak Out: October 21, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28230-readers-speak-out-october-21-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28230-readers-speak-out-october-21-2018

Do no harm

ItƵapp distressing to know that doctors from TorontoƵapp Hospital for Sick Children have published an article on how best to extend voluntary euthanasia to children. This is sad but not surprising, as Canada both at home and abroad pushes to extend the culture of death. 

The state decides what is good “care” for the patient, and what is not, including the appropriate time to intentionally kill. That a sick child or person is most often not capable of making a responsible decision is of no concern. Society says we must respect the patientƵapp “right” to end his life. This is similar to the insane idea that students have the “right” to transgender without the parents being informed. What the self wants, not family and God, is paramount.

The medical goal should be to save lives and do no harm. Instead, the authors corrupt the aim by suggesting efficient ways to kill. To give patients the autonomy to be killed and then pay doctors to find economical ways do so is not medical care. ItƵapp reducing life to a product, one more thing to use and abuse and then discard at will. 

Canada is in terrible need of architects of the culture of life and true care.

Lou Iacobelli,


Vote wisely

A recent news report mentioned that the Halton Catholic District School Board trustees had cancelled a motion disallowing various charities from benefiting from school-run fund-raising because of connections to causes whose agendas contained elements contrary to Catholic teaching. This move followed protests from students and parents. The majority of trustees bowed to the will of the protesters.

On Oct. 22 parents and taxpayers will have the task of electing not only city mayors and councillors, but also their representative on the school board. In the case of the latter group, the trustees will be answerable not only for the financial and material welfare of the students, but also for their spiritual welfare. It is a heavy responsibility.

Let us hope Catholics in Ontario take care to elect trustees whose values are not in conflict with Catholic teachings and who make sure to eschew the secular attitudes often promoted by some candidates. These are the people we entrust with our most precious resource, our children.

C. Daffern,

Scarborough, Ont.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Thu, 18 Oct 2018 15:44:22 -0400
Readers Speak Out: October 7, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28139-readers-speak-out-october-7-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28139-readers-speak-out-october-7-2018

Lay investigation

Like millions of Catholics I am scandalized by the priests and bishops who have committed heinous acts, especially to children and teenagers. I’m also frustrated and angry that the clergy, including Pope Francis, use terms that are unfamiliar to the average layperson, such as clericalism. 

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Thu, 04 Oct 2018 15:11:34 -0400
Readers Speak Out: September 23, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/28070-readers-speak-out-september-23-2018 /opinion/letters/item/28070-readers-speak-out-september-23-2018

Make reparations

There is a time for mercy and a time for turning over the tables of money exchangers. The time for mercy is over! Now is the time to turn over those proverbial tables.

Our shepherds must stop asking for forgiveness and engage in profound reparation (for sexual abuse victims) in the hope of meriting forgiveness. Only then can the abandoned and abused sheep begin to trust the shepherds.  

And, no, the money must not come from the donations of the faithful but rather from the personal pockets of each predator and enabler, including the pockets of those who kept the secrets.

Dona Tiberio-Smith,

Maple, Ont.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Mon, 24 Sep 2018 14:53:49 -0400
Readers Speak Out: August 19-26, 2018 /opinion/letters/item/27889-readers-speak-out-august-19-26-2018 /opinion/letters/item/27889-readers-speak-out-august-19-26-2018

Starlight, star bright

Re: (July 22-29):

Fr. Rolheiser states that “the miracle” of a starlit night sky “goes mostly unnoticed; we watch television instead.”

Deeper reasons for this may be involved. Humans spill so much light into the sky that few of our present generation have ever experienced what the natural night sky looks like. Most of the lighting industry displays a stunning indifference to this issue. And the amount of  “light-pollution” continues to increase by about six per cent annually in most places.

Sleeping in insufficient darkness suppresses our immune systems. Artificial light disrupts the life-cycles of insects, birds, amphibians and other animals. Many people think responsibility for our environment is a religious issue and light-pollution is certainly included in this. Does your porchlight shine upward?

James LaFramboise,

Thornhill, Ont.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Letters to the editor Mon, 27 Aug 2018 15:23:28 -0400
Voices from The Register vault: First World War, women's suffrage and anti-Catholic discrimination /item/26624-voices-from-the-register-vault-1918-letters-to-the-editor-first-world-war-womens-suffrage-and-anti-catholic-discrimination /item/26624-voices-from-the-register-vault-1918-letters-to-the-editor-first-world-war-womens-suffrage-and-anti-catholic-discrimination

Throughout this 125th anniversary year of The Catholic Register, we will be celebrating the rich history of CanadaƵapp oldest Catholic newspaper. This week, rather than our usual Letters to the Editor, we have dipped into the archive to see what issues the newspaper was addressing in 1918 as The Register turned 25 years old.

]]> (Catholic Register Staff) Canada Thu, 04 Jan 2018 11:15:33 -0500