Green Party dumps pro-life candidate
A time to meddle
An understandable reaction to an early August federal election call for an Oct. 19 vote is to declare a pox on all their houses and turn deaf ears to such an excruciatingly long campaign. Eleven weeks of insincere promises and attack ads. Who needs their summer sun darkened by those black clouds?
TORONTO - Canada is not a secular state. It is ruled by "econo-theism," Green Party leader Elizabeth May told a March 25 interfaith conference in Toronto.
“We worship the economy,” May told delegates to the Green Choices for Faith Communities conference at the Noor Cultural Centre.
The conference organized by Greening Sacred Spaces and the Green Awakening Network included presentations on political activism for churches, spirituality, solar power for Churches and modern lighting systems to cut energy use.
Making green choices
TORONTO - Parishes looking for a green path to God, or even just lower heating bills, can explore the possibilities at the fourth annual Green Choices for Faith Communities Forum March 25.
Green Party leader Elizabeth May will be the keynote speaker at this yearƵapp event, organized by the Green Awakening Network and Greening Sacred Spaces. The noon to 5:15 p.m. conference costs $35 per participant with the deadline for pre-registration falling March 21.