More Canadian dioceses to put Synod questionnaire online
Twenty of the 70 Catholic dioceses in Canada are using their web sites to ask Catholics for opinions about family life — questions that range from how the Church can welcome families with gay members to how economics and media are shaping family life.
CCCB to keep Synod survey results private
OTTAWA - The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) released a revised set of questions Feb. 10 for the upcoming Synod on the Family, but maintain that the consultations’ results will stay private.
Canadian lives, past and future, shaped by consecrated life
OTTAWA - As Catholics mark the Year of Consecrated Life, the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops looks to a future of hope for Canadian religious.
Durocher offers Synod suggestions to Pope
OTTAWA - Bishops who attend Synods should spend more time in group discussions and less time listening to each otherƵapp speeches, Gatineau Archbishop Paul-André Durocher proposed to Pope Francis.
CCCB to choose Synod delegates by late March
OTTAWA - By the end of March 2015, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will choose four delegates and two alternates to attend the ordinary Synod on the family in Rome scheduled for next October.
Preparations underway for next Synod
With another, bigger Synod coming next October to discuss Christian family life, Canadian bishops are beginning to ask themselves: “What next?”
Canadian bishops mark 50th anniversary of decree on ecumenism
OTTAWA - Canada's Catholic bishops examine the church's connection with other Christian churches in a document marking the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council's decree on ecumenism.
Durocher to help prepare SynodƵapp final message
OTTAWA - The president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has been appointed to the commission preparing the final pastoral message of the Synod on the family.
Bishops urged to support national dementia strategy
OTTAWA - An Ottawa Catholic husband and father whose wife suffers a rare, early onset form of dementia is calling on CanadaƵapp bishops to help advance a national dementia strategy.
Canada rejects UN resolution on native rights
The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops may have to re-fight a battle with the federal government over the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Canadian bishops urged to go to ‘the periphery’
BEAUPRÉ, QUE.-The mission of the Church in North American is to go “con-cretely to places on the periphery,” Cuban Cardinal Jaime Ortega told CanadaƵapp bishops on Sept. 16.
Catholic bishops raise concerns, at home and abroad, with PM
OTTAWA - The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has raised concerns about “serious challenges” at home and abroad in an open letter to Prime Minister Harper dated April 17.
CCCB president thanks Pope Benedict for “extraordinary leadership”
OTTAWA - The president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops thanked Pope Benedict XVI for his “extraordinary leadership” on the day the world found the pontiff would be stepping down from the papacy.
Canadian bishops denounce anti-Semitic talk by SSPX leader
OTTAWA - CanadaƵapp Catholic bishops have denounced recent statements made in Canada by the Society of St. Pius X superior that “the Jews” are the “enemies of the Church.”
CCCB offers blessings to PM, First Nations meeting
OTTAWA - The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops wants something substantial to come out of the Jan. 11 meeting between the government and indigenous leaders.