“Every year, the National March for Life draws attention to the gravest human rights violation of our day, the ongoing killing of pre-born human beings,” said Jim Hughes, president of Campaign Life Coalition, in a release. “Today, with the ongoing attempts to expand abortion access in the Maritimes and efforts to put women at risk by legalizing deadly drugs such as RU-486, attacks on the conscience rights of medical practitioners and the removal of bans to protect the sick, the elderly and the vulnerable from assisted suicide and euthanasia, there has never been more reason to march for life than in 2015.
“Canadians need to demand that our government protect human life at all its stages,” he said.
“The theme Let Life Win is a motto we encourage all Canadians to live by,” said Mary Ellen Douglas, national organizer for Campaign Life. “The theme brings to light the reality that everyone faces hard and difficult choices in their lives, and when they do, they should let life win.”
The National March for Life is the largest pro-life event in Canada. Organized by Campaign Life, the political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada, it attracts well over 20,000 people to Parliament Hill. Thousands more participate in various marches that take place in many provincial capitals.
Campaign Life plans to roll out a series of video testimonials that can be shared on social media to promote the March. The first is of Conservative MP Stephen Woodworth, who is best known for introducing Motion-312 in the House of Commons that sought to have a Parliamentary committee examine the 400-year-old definition of a human being in the Criminal Code.
The videos as well as posters and brochures can be downloaded from .
Activities for the March begin with a candlelight vigil at the Human Rights Monument on the eve of the March. Pro-life Masses in French and English will be celebated the morning of May 14. The pre-March rally will feature Members of Parliament, Senators and special guest speakers.
New York Times bestselling author Eric Metaxas will speak at the annual Rose Dinner May 14, while anti-porn activist Matt Fradd will address a youth banquet. Fradd will also headline the annual youth conference May 15.