Speaking Out: Keeping my faith after high school
Staying connected to my faith has always been easy for me. During my high school years at Holy Name of Mary College School, I attended mandatory Mass once a month, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and participated in faith-related reflections for class.
Andrey Sheptytsky and the lions of Lviv
Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC) for 44 tumultuous years, has been decreed by the Vatican to be worthy of sainthood, needing only an approved miracle for him to be beatified.
Ukrainian bishops seek to be heard over the din of rhetoric
VATICAN CITY - As the Ukrainian Catholic bishops met in a private audience with Pope Francis Feb. 20, Ukraine was marking its first Day of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes, commemorating those who died in the Euromaidan movement one year earlier.
Scot bishops hope Catholics join public debate after independence vote
MANCHESTER, England - The Catholic bishops of Scotland said they accept the results of referendum in which Scot voters rejected independence.
Scottish archbishops urge Catholics to vote in independence referendum
MANCHESTER, England - Scotland's archbishops have encouraged Catholics to vote in the forthcoming referendum on independence — and to pay attention to the issue of religious freedom.