Features Fri, 24 Jan 2025 02:27:56 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs concertodesigns.ca en-gb Rich-poor gap widens /item/12709-rich-poor-gap-widens /item/12709-rich-poor-gap-widens The rich are getting richer, and you're not. The median net worth of the top fifth of Canadian families grew by 19 per cent between 1999 and 2005, according to a Statistics Canada report released in December. Over the same period, the net worth of households in the bottom 20 per cent fell under 43 per cent.
mikes@catholicregister.org (Michael Swan, The Catholic Register) Features Wed, 17 Jan 2007 00:55:39 -0500
Church goods retailers wary of items manufactured in China /item/12708-church-goods-retailers-wary-of-items-manufactured-in-china /item/12708-church-goods-retailers-wary-of-items-manufactured-in-china CrucifixTORONTO - The thought of a chalice or paten made in a sweatshop, of chasubles sewn by child labour or religious statues that come out of a factory that dumps heavy metal in a river, killing the fish, would be distinctly uncomfortable for most Catholics.

The church in Canada helps fund the Maquiladora Solidarity Network and KAIROS, organizations that have demanded that major clothing retailers and manufacturers disclose their supply chains so anyone can find out whether a shirt or a pair of athletic shoes was made in a sweatshop. The church has spoken out against abusive working conditions since Pope Leo XIII issued the encyclical Rerum Novarum in 1891.
mikes@catholicregister.org (Michael Swan, The Catholic Register) Features Wed, 17 Jan 2007 00:13:14 -0500
New source for stem cells would sidestep moral issues for Catholics /item/12707-new-source-for-stem-cells-would-sidestep-moral-issues-for-catholics /item/12707-new-source-for-stem-cells-would-sidestep-moral-issues-for-catholics OTTAWA - The Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute welcomed news that a source of stem cells has been found in amniotic fluid that bypasses the ethical problems of using embryonic stem cells.
ccn-ottawa@rogers.com (Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic News) Features Tue, 16 Jan 2007 22:47:27 -0500
Church needs to show its caring side /item/12706-church-needs-to-show-its-caring-side /item/12706-church-needs-to-show-its-caring-side Fr. DrouinOTTAWA - Fr. André Drouin rushes from his Ottawa office and returns with a woven white and black rug. He holds up a side where black dominates the weave; when he turns it over, white dominates. He explains that just like the rug, the church is one, but it has two different faces: a celebratory face reflecting the love towards God, and a face of service to others, reflecting love of our neighbours.

crstaff@catholicregister.org (Catholic Register Staff) Features Fri, 05 Jan 2007 03:29:52 -0500
The Human Person, the Heart of Peace /item/12705-the-human-person-the-heart-of-peace /item/12705-the-human-person-the-heart-of-peace

Editor's note: The following is excerpted from the message of Pope Benedict XVI issued for the World Day of Peace, Jan. 1. The statement is called The Human Person, the Heart of Peace.

1. At the beginning of the new year, I wish to extend prayerful good wishes for peace to governments, leaders of nations and all men and women of good will. In a special way, I invoke peace upon all those experiencing pain and suffering, those living under the threat of violence and armed aggression, and those who await their human and social emancipation, having had their dignity trampled upon. I invoke peace upon children, who by their innocence enrich humanity with goodness and hope, and by their sufferings compel us all to work for justice and peace. Out of concern for children, especially those whose future is compromised by exploitation and the malice of unscrupulous adults, I wish on this World Day of Peace to encourage everyone to reflect on the theme: The Human Person, the Heart of Peace. . . .

Features Fri, 22 Dec 2006 03:24:01 -0500
'White Christmas' and the Wonderboy /item/12704-white-christmas-and-the-wonderboy /item/12704-white-christmas-and-the-wonderboy

When most people think of the song "White Christmas" they think of Bing Crosby or the 1942 musical Holiday Inn. I think of a cold night in 1976 when I was walking in the snow with my good friend Frank. As we walked we tried to remember the lyrics of various Christmas songs. The one song where we both knew more than a few words was "White Christmas." I remember filling the streets with our not so melodious sounds and lots of laughter.

Features Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:32:30 -0500
Somerville Lecture - Bridging the Gap: Overcoming our Differences /item/12703-somerville-lecture-bridging-the-gap-overcoming-our-differences /item/12703-somerville-lecture-bridging-the-gap-overcoming-our-differences

Winnipeg Archbishop James WeisgerberEditor's note: The following is the text of the sixth annual Henry Somerville Lecture in Christianity and Communications. Titled "Bridging the Gap: Overcoming our Differences," it was presented by Archbishop James Weisgerber of Winnipeg on Nov. 30 at the Newman Centre in Toronto and on Dec. 1 at St. Jerome's University in Waterloo.

I am happy to take this opportunity tonight to address you not as a professional theologian, but as the pastor of a diocesan church. I would like to share with you the vision that guides me in my responsibilities as pastor of a particular church and as a member of the College of Bishops, which, together with the Pope, guides the universal church.

Features Thu, 07 Dec 2006 23:14:40 -0500
Interfaith marriage a threat to the faith? /item/12702-interfaith-marriage-a-threat-to-the-faith? /item/12702-interfaith-marriage-a-threat-to-the-faith?

Is marriage becoming a threat to religion? As more Canadians marry outside of their faith, religious leaders are starting to worry about how the children of interfaith marriages will ever gain a religious identity.

mikes@catholicregister.org (Michael Swan, The Catholic Register) Features Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:33:35 -0500
The Holy Family is a true witness to marriage /item/12701-the-holy-family-is-a-true-witness-to-marriage /item/12701-the-holy-family-is-a-true-witness-to-marriage

Holy FamilyMISSISSAUGA, Ont. - When Canada was caught up in the midst of its gut-wrenching debate over legalizing same-sex marriage last year, Fr. Norm Roberts wondered whether there was a positive way to get out the church's message about the value of marriage and the family.

crstaff@catholicregister.org (Catholic Register Staff) Features Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:27:29 -0500
Contraception helped foster unsettled society /item/12700-contraception-helped-foster-unsettled-society /item/12700-contraception-helped-foster-unsettled-society

Janet SmithTORONTO - "Contraception why not?" is the question that Dr. Janet Smith has been posing to audiences for 20 years, a talk that has led to the sale of more than one million taped copies of her talk sold worldwide.

Features Fri, 01 Dec 2006 04:22:18 -0500