Features Wed, 22 Jan 2025 22:54:20 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs concertodesigns.ca en-gb Live and learn: Education outside the classroom /features/item/27862-live-and-learn-education-outside-the-classroom /features/item/27862-live-and-learn-education-outside-the-classroom

When Grade 10 students at Bishop James Mahoney High School in Saskatoon learned about motion in physics class last year, they weren’t in a classroom. Instead, they met with former Air Force pilots at an airport hangar.

jean.kodin@catholicregister.org (Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register) Catholic Education Tue, 21 Aug 2018 10:55:23 -0400
Teacher who left Argentina during country's 'dirty war' fulfills a dream /home/international/item/25052-teacher-who-left-argentina-during-country-s-dirty-war-fulfills-a-dream /home/international/item/25052-teacher-who-left-argentina-during-country-s-dirty-war-fulfills-a-dream

PORTLAND, Ore. – Claudia Raffaele knows the fear of being stopped at gunpoint in Argentina, the bone-tiredness that comes after a nine-hour shift at a Los Angeles factory, and the worry and emotional weight of caring for three children as a single mother.

International Mon, 08 May 2017 11:00:00 -0400
Book Review: The art of a good homily /features/arts/item/22443-book-review-the-art-of-a-good-homily /features/arts/item/22443-book-review-the-art-of-a-good-homily

Dissatisfaction with homilies is the most common complaint Catholics have about their priests, even leading many to skip Mass, according to Canadian and American surveys. Clerics themselves pinpoint uninspiring sermons as a general flaw among their colleagues. The main weaknesses they cite are poor delivery, superficial content and a disconnect from the lives of people in the pews. 

Book News Sat, 04 Jun 2016 10:00:00 -0400
Education goes beyond curriculum /item/22157-education-goes-beyond-curriculum /item/22157-education-goes-beyond-curriculum

Toronto – American Jesuit Father Greg Boyle told Ontario educators they must stand with the poor, the vulnerable and anyone who is rejected by society.

jean.kodin@catholicregister.org (Jean Ko Din, The Catholic Register) Canada Sun, 17 Apr 2016 23:59:00 -0400
Symposium looks at scientific evidence of how destructive pornography is /home/international/item/20621-symposium-looks-at-scientific-evidence-of-how-destructive-pornography-is /home/international/item/20621-symposium-looks-at-scientific-evidence-of-how-destructive-pornography-is

WASHINGTON - The Catholic Church's strong stance against pornography is based on church teaching that the human body should be respected and every person has a God-given dignity.

cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Fri, 24 Jul 2015 08:15:00 -0400
Cardinal Pell expects October Synod to uphold traditional doctrine on family /faith/item/20220-cardinal-pell-expects-october-synod-to-uphold-traditional-doctrine-on-family /faith/item/20220-cardinal-pell-expects-october-synod-to-uphold-traditional-doctrine-on-family

ROME - Australian Cardinal George Pell expects the upcoming Synod on the Family in October will uphold traditional Church teaching.

ccn-ottawa@rogers.com (Deborah Gyapong, Canadian Catholic News) Faith Mon, 11 May 2015 12:00:00 -0400
Synod working groups emphasize beauty of marriage, church teaching /faith/item/19015-synod-working-groups-emphasize-beauty-of-marriage-church-teaching /faith/item/19015-synod-working-groups-emphasize-beauty-of-marriage-church-teaching

VATICAN CITY - The extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the family must put greater focus on the beauty of the Christian vision of marriage and not let an approach of "welcoming" and mercy override the Church's duty to call people to turn away from sin, according to a number of reports from the Synod's small groups.

Faith Fri, 17 Oct 2014 10:00:00 -0400