Satan is attacking bishops by revealing their sins, Pope says
Clericalism: Abuse and the dynamics of power
By now thousands of people have either scoffed at or praised Pope Francis for responding to another round of sexual abuse revelations with a long letter condemning clericalism.
Editorial: We need answers
“When a bit of time has passed,” said Pope Francis, perhaps he would answer serious allegations that he permitted a cardinal cited for sexual abuse to return to public ministry.
Bob Brehl: Bishop urges Catholics to fight, not flee
Amidst the sexual abuse scandals involving Catholic priests around the world — in particular the revolting crimes of 301 Pennsylvania priests over 70 years unearthed in an August grand jury report — a prominent U.S. bishop is calling for the laity to stay and fight, not abandon the Church.
Fr. Rosica disputes ViganòƵapp version of session with Pope Francis
The CEO of Salt+Light Media in Toronto has been drawn into the sex abuse scandal engulfing the Vatican by contesting at least one claim by an archbishop who alleges that Pope Francis participated in a coverup.
Laity must have role in formation of priests, fighting clericalism, Vatican official says
Everyday is a fight against worldly mentality, pride, gossip, Pope says
Vigano, spokesmen dispute facts of contested Pope meeting in Washington
Vigano says canonical sanctions against McCarrick were 'private'
Christ responded to lies, divisiveness with silence, Pope says at Mass
Archbishop Mancini attacking abuse issue head-on
Even as he faces another sex abuse case in his own diocese, Archbishop Anthony Mancini is not afraid of going bankrupt.