January 21, 2019
Pope closes Ecclesia Dei, transfers pastoral care of traditionalist Catholics to CDF
VATICAN – Pope Francis has closed the pontifical commission that had been responsible for the pastoral care of Catholics attached to the pre-Vatican II Mass, transferring the commission's tasks to a special section of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
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July 12, 2018
Society of St. Pius X elects new superior general
VATICAN – The traditionalist Society of St. Pius X elected 47-year-old Father Davide Pagliarani, an Italian member of the society, as its superior general.
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June 29, 2016
SSPX head claims Pope is encouraging error
VATICAN CITY – The superior general of the traditionalist Society of St. Pius X said Pope Francis, rather than denouncing errors in Catholic doctrine, has "encouraged" them.
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A traditionalist bishop who has denied the Holocaust has been automatically excommunicated along with the priest he illicitly ordained a bishop.
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September 24, 2014
Pope Francis tries again on traditionalist reconciliation after Benedict XVI failed
VATICAN CITY -Â Picking up a piece of unfinished business that consumed the energies of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, the Vatican under Pope Francis is again trying to repair a decades-old breach with a controversial group of traditionalist Catholics.
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