VATICAN CITY -- Nations, like individuals, have a "solemn duty" to care for the poor and to work together to promote development, Pope Francis told a group of ambassadors beginning their service at the Vatican.
Pope Francis prays for Spanish missionary murdered in Central African Republic
By Junno Arocho EstevesVATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis led thousands of pilgrims in prayer for a Spanish missionary sister killed in Central African Republic.
Fight fake news with humble search for truth, Pope Francis tells journalists
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY -- The task of journalism is to seek the truth, which requires humility and freedom of the press, Pope Francis told foreign correspondents working in Italy.
Jesus is always ready to help free people from evil, pope says
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY -- Christians recognize life's great paradox that so much evil and temptation exist in the world, but that God is always present, too, ready to help and give people the strength to persevere, Pope Francis said.
Pope saddened by church attack in Burkina Faso, Vatican spokesman says
By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - Pope Francis expressed his closeness to and prayers for the victims of a shooting at a Catholic Church in Burkina Faso, which claimed the lives of six people.
Not ruling on apparitions, pope allows pilgrimages to Medjugorje
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - Parishes and dioceses are now allowed to organize official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it must be clear that the Catholic Church has not recognized as authentic the alleged Marian apparitions there.
Pope invites young people to pledge to build a new economy
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - Pope Francis has invited young economists and entrepreneurs around the world to help create a "new and courageous culture" that finds new ways to do business, promote human dignity and protect the environment.
Be merciful ministers of Christ, pope tells new priests
By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - The priesthood is not a "cultural association or a union," but a ministry of mercy anchored on Christ's mission to bring hope to the downtrodden and comfort to those who suffer, Pope Francis told new priests.
Pope: Without Holy Spirit, dioceses can become worldly businesses
By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - A diocese that cares more about being an organized workplace rather than announcing the good news can fall prey to clericalism and distance itself from Christ, Pope Francis said.
Never lose hope for a better future, pope tells Gypsy communities
By Junno Arocho Esteves, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY - Members of Italy's Gypsy communities must look to God to hold on to the hope of a future where they are no longer discriminated against or segregated, Pope Francis said.
Pope issues new rules on abuse reporting, bishop accountability
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has revised and clarified norms and procedures for holding bishops and religious superiors accountable in protecting minors as well as in protecting members of religious orders and seminarians from abuse.