While society is increasingly focused on pushing the limits of human achievement, it must not lose sight of its duty to protect the dignity of the vulnerable, especially children exploited by the "scourge of child labor," Pope Francis said.
The "most beautiful gift" the Catholic Church and its members can give the world is a reason to live with hope, Pope Francis said.
While Christians must treat addicts with care and comprehension, drug traffickers who push their products on the vulnerable are "murderers" who are called to conversion, Pope Francis said.
Pope Francis prayed that Catholics in China would be free to share the Gospel and live their faith fully.
The prayers of nuns and monks are like "oxygen" for all members of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis said.
The mission to spread the Gospel message of God's love and of salvation in Christ is entrusted to all the baptized who are called to work together and never set out alone, Pope Francis said.
To be pastoral, look to the Good Shepherd, Pope Francis says
Christians must develop a pastoral heart to care for those who have not heard the Gospel or who have left the fold, Pope Francis said.
Evangelization is the 'oxygen' of Christian life, Pope Francis says
Sharing the faith is the "oxygen" that "invigorates and purifies" Christian life, Pope Francis said.
Pope Benedict XVI was a "great teacher of catechesis" whose "sharp and gentle thinking" led others to encounter Jesus, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY -- People need to find harmony between prayer and the demands of everyday life, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY -- Those who overcome distractions or obstacles when praying learn the value of perseverance in times of trial, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY -- Because prayer is a dialogue with God, people should not dismiss or be embarrassed by saying their prayers out loud or in a whisper, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY -- Every Christian is unique because the Holy Spirit inspires something new and original in each person, creating "an endless field of holiness," Pope Francis said.
Christianity without liturgy is absent of Christ, Pope Francis says
VATICAN CITY -- The liturgy is not a spectacle to be observed but a prayerful event where Christians encounter Christ's presence in their lives, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY -- Pope Francis said he was dismayed by Catholic communities and groups that claim to be working to improve church life, but attempt to do so without prayer, the Eucharist and unity with the rest of the church.