Opinion Wed, 22 Jan 2025 22:25:25 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs concertodesigns.ca en-gb Editorial: Focus on dreams /columns/item/31159-editorial-focus-on-dreams /columns/item/31159-editorial-focus-on-dreams

Reaction ranged from anger to relief after the Pope dodged a contentious debate about ordaining married men to the priesthood in his reflection on the recent Amazon synod.

editor@catholicregister.org (Catholic Register Editorial) Editorial Thu, 20 Feb 2020 10:23:57 -0500
Glen Argan: Church needs to overcome palace intrigues /opinion/columnists/item/31057-glen-argan-church-needs-to-overcome-palace-intrigues /opinion/columnists/item/31057-glen-argan-church-needs-to-overcome-palace-intrigues

When Pope Celestine V resigned as pope in 1294, he removed his papal garb and intended to return to life as a hermit. However, his successor, Pope Boniface VIII, placed him under house arrest where he remained until his death 10 months later. 

glenargan@catholicregister.org (Glen Argan) Glen Argan Thu, 30 Jan 2020 10:58:08 -0500
Publisher won’t remove Benedict XVI as co-author of book on priestly celibacy /faith/item/30974-benedict-xvi-cardinal-sarah-write-book-defending-priestly-celibacy /faith/item/30974-benedict-xvi-cardinal-sarah-write-book-defending-priestly-celibacy

VATICAN CITY -- Retired Pope Benedict XVI wants his name removed as co-author of a book defending priestly celibacy but the publisher insists Benedict wrote the book with Cardinal Robert Sarah.

cns@catholicnews.com (Cindy Wooden, Catholic News Service) Faith Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:25:45 -0500
U.S. bishops: Synod not a 'referendum' on celibacy /faith/item/30474-u-s-bishops-synod-not-a-referendum-on-celibacy /faith/item/30474-u-s-bishops-synod-not-a-referendum-on-celibacy

VATICAN CITY -- The Synod of Bishops for the Amazon is not a "referendum" on priestly celibacy; it is looking for ways to provide for the sacramental life and formation of the people there, U.S. Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley of Boston said.

Vatican Wed, 16 Oct 2019 10:49:53 -0400
Canadian Cardinal Ouellet defends priestly celibacy ahead of Amazon synod /item/30393-canadian-cardinal-ouellet-defends-priestly-celibacy-ahead-of-amazon-synod /item/30393-canadian-cardinal-ouellet-defends-priestly-celibacy-ahead-of-amazon-synod

ROME (CNA) -- Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, presented a book Wednesday arguing that in the face of challenges, the Church should not grab at quick solutions, but seek to deepen its understanding of the uninterrupted tradition of priestly celibacy in the Latin rite.

cna-ewtn@catholicregister.org (CNA/EWTN News) Canada Thu, 03 Oct 2019 14:37:58 -0400
Canadian nun, sexologist: Catholics must increase their sexual maturity /item/29272-canadian-nun-sexologist-catholics-must-increase-their-sexual-maturity /item/29272-canadian-nun-sexologist-catholics-must-increase-their-sexual-maturity

QUEBEC CITY - A Canadian nun with a Ph.D. in clinical sexology said the sex abuse crisis in the church does not mean "the end of faith" but rather "the end of a lack of formation and the end of deviance," and a call to return to Jesus' message of love.

Canada Mon, 01 Apr 2019 14:10:36 -0400
Church must have serious debate on celibacy, role of women, Cardinal Marx says /home/international/item/29181-church-must-have-serious-debate-on-celibacy-role-of-women-cardinal-marx-says /home/international/item/29181-church-must-have-serious-debate-on-celibacy-role-of-women-cardinal-marx-says The Catholic Church in Germany is at a point where serious debate – including on priestly celibacy and the role of women – and openness to doing things in a new way must encouraged, said the president of the German bishops' conference.
cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Fri, 15 Mar 2019 12:07:48 -0400
Priests who father children need speedy process to leave priesthood, Vatican cardinal says /home/international/item/29065-priests-who-father-children-need-speedy-process-to-leave-priesthood-vatican-cardinal-says /home/international/item/29065-priests-who-father-children-need-speedy-process-to-leave-priesthood-vatican-cardinal-says VATICAN – When the Vatican Congregation for Clergy developed guidelines a decade ago for handling cases of priests who father children, the first objective was to make it easier for those men to leave the priesthood to care for their children and be real dads, said the prefect of the congregation.
cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Wed, 27 Feb 2019 10:54:30 -0500
Amazon synod to focus on climate change, not married priests, Peruvian cardinal says /home/international/item/29064-amazon-synod-to-focus-on-climate-change-not-married-priests-peruvian-cardinal-says /home/international/item/29064-amazon-synod-to-focus-on-climate-change-not-married-priests-peruvian-cardinal-says VATICAN CITY – The issue of married priests is something for the universal Catholic Church to discuss and is not the focus of the upcoming Synod of Bishops for the Amazon, said Peruvian Cardinal Pedro Barreto Jimeno of Huancayo.
cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Wed, 27 Feb 2019 07:59:16 -0500
Pope disagrees with 'optional celibacy', but open to ordaining married men in remote regions /home/international/item/28893-pope-disagrees-with-optional-celibacy-but-open-to-ordaining-married-men-in-remote-regions /home/international/item/28893-pope-disagrees-with-optional-celibacy-but-open-to-ordaining-married-men-in-remote-regions VATICAN – Many people were surprised when Pope Francis told reporters flying with him from Panama Jan. 27 that he did not think optional celibacy for priests in the Latin-rite church was a good idea.
cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Wed, 30 Jan 2019 11:22:12 -0500