Opinion Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:27:55 -0500 Website design by Concerto Designs concertodesigns.ca en-gb Price of peace /columns/item/21585-price-of-peace /columns/item/21585-price-of-peace

Addressing U.S. congress last September, Pope Francis bluntly dissected the multi-billion-dollar international arms industry.

editor@catholicregister.org (Catholic Register Editorial) Editorial Thu, 14 Jan 2016 09:23:33 -0500
Patriarch rejects calls for outside military intervention in Syria /home/international/item/19891-patriarch-rejects-calls-for-outside-military-intervention-in-syria /home/international/item/19891-patriarch-rejects-calls-for-outside-military-intervention-in-syria

VATICAN CITY - The head of the Melkite Catholic Church rejected outright all calls for an international military intervention in Syria and urged Pope Francis and all Christian churches to "promote a concrete and realistic road map" to peace in the beleaguered nation.

cns@catholicregister.org (Catholic News Service) International Wed, 18 Mar 2015 13:30:00 -0400
Arms treaty need to protect poor, Vatican's UN observer says /home/international/item/13905-arms-treaty-need-to-protect-poor-vaticans-un-observer-says /home/international/item/13905-arms-treaty-need-to-protect-poor-vaticans-un-observer-says

VATICAN CITY - The unregulated sale and transfer of weapons and weapons' technology harm the poor and threaten peace and security around the world, a Vatican official told a U.N. meeting.

Archbishop Francis A. Chullikatt, the Holy See's permanent observer to the United Nations, addressed a committee preparing for the U.N. Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty; the conference will be in July.

International Tue, 21 Feb 2012 08:43:52 -0500